April 14, 2016

Who? What? Why???

Who am I and why am I here?  What’s with the stickers?  Why do I have so many planners?

I thought I’d introduce myself or re-introduce myself to some of you.  By day I am a secretary in a law firm.  I am married and have one beautiful, wonderful, amazingly talented child.  I recently got hooked on planning and it seems to be my main obsession at the moment.

I have always been a “day late and a dollar short” type of person.  I am always late and have usually forgotten something.  I have never really been a planner, usually waiting until the very last minute to do anything.  Living a life of flying by the seat of your pants has really not done me any favors.  I am always forgetting tasks, bills, due dates, memories, etc.  Then with my thyroid issues, I became even worse at remembering even the slightest little thing.  All of that and now that the aforementioned child is getting older and has more of a social schedule than I do, the time came to get my ducks in a row and try to find a way to stay on top of everything.

I have always loved stationary and stickers and pens - all of it. I can’t quite remember what exactly it was that I stumbled upon and caught my eye about planning but I believe it was Pinterest.  I saw a pin one day of a free printable planner and had just forgotten a due date on something very important. I remember thinking “maybe it’s time to get it together”.  I started looking around at planning systems and found a whole community of planners and shop owners and have joined so many that my social media feeds seem to have forgotten all my friends and only shows pictures of planners now.  For some reason that has brought me some peace lately.

Finding the right system isn’t peaceful at all though. I have been through several planner types that, for whatever reason, never felt right.  I changed everything from the brand of planner to the type of binder to carry it all.  I am still trying to figure all of this out and that is why I have so many.  I’ve lucked up with deals and holidays fell at the right time, too.

Then you have the stickers.


They are the greatest.  You can plan without them but making it all pretty is the best part for me.  Using stickers and kits is my way lately of being creative and crafty and that soothes me so much.

Oh!  Almost forgot.  Why is it called Play Pretties?  That is term my Granny used to use for my toys and people's whatnots that they enjoyed. It's always stuck with me as a pretty phrase so I borrowed from Granny and here we are.

So there you have the "why".  I work daily on the “how”.  I hope you stick around to watch the progress!

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